After a continuous surge for more than a year, B




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After a continuous surge for more than a year, Bitcoin reached 65,000 dollars, and all the bulls made a fortune, earning dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of times. All the outsiders wanted to rush into this circle, and your relatives and friends also chased you and asked how to buy coins. The time came to May 18, 2021, the central bank issued a document, and the three major associations of the financial industry spoke out: Providing virtual currency trading services is suspected of engaging in illegal financial activities! The market was relatively stable that day, and even rose slightly. Until May 19, many people still thought that this kind of thing had happened before, and it was normal to fall a little bit. By the afternoon of that day, Bitcoin had already fallen by 4,000 dollars. I couldn't bear the excitement in my heart, and even started to bottom out and go long. Because I had a meeting that night, I was afraid of liquidation, so I used all the money as margin. Because of this bull market, I made a lot of money and was too confident in myself. I felt that so much margin would definitely not be a problem. Until the meeting was over, I opened my trading software and found that there was no money in it. I started to think it was a display error, until I saw that deep needle, a needle that almost halved! As for ordinary players, even in the big bull market, only a few can cash out their chips. Most people will buy at high positions, dreaming of the next high, and being trapped for many years. Many people come to the coin circle with full confidence and regard the coin circle as heaven, looking forward to getting rich overnight. They don't know that heaven and hell are only separated by a thin line, and only a few lucky ones can go to heaven. #TRB #ETH #mina #ARB #BTC


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