Advice for coin traders! No matter you hold #BTC




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Advice for coin traders! No matter you hold #BTC #ETH or #BNB, take three minutes to look at these suggestions: 1, keep a low profile, don't let the people around you know that you are trading coins, avoid unnecessary trouble. 2, be careful to show your income, don't show your income chart, avoid attracting unnecessary attention. 3, avoid showing off your rich and noble life in your circle of friends, keep a low profile, reduce possible jealousy. 4, be cautious after achieving financial freedom, keep a distance from the people you knew before, especially those who can be deleted. 5, keep calm, avoid meaningless quarrels, stay away from people who consume your energy. 6, don't deliberately do good, respect the fate of others, focus on your own growth. 7, avoid blind investment in unfamiliar fields, be rational about risks. 8, be cautious about physical entrepreneurship, unless you enjoy it, don't make money as the only goal. In the current economic environment, physical entrepreneurship is full of risks. #RUNE1: #bitcoin,市场波动平稳; #EGLD #mina


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